
Cooperation Coach: Wrap-up

Through this program you learn a three step process for identifying problem behaviors and addressing them through providing clear expectations, encouraging good behavior, and discouraging misbehavior. These three steps work best when you use them together. The outline below summarizes the steps and the order to use them to set you and your child up for success. You can download and print a summary of the outline and each step below. At the bottom of the outline are steps for getting more help. To the right are buttons to return to use our program to review and revise each step of you plan.


You have learned a process for identifying problem behaviors and replacing them with positive good behaviors. Whenever you are concerned about your child behavior, follow these steps in this order. (Download outline)

  1. Providing Clear Expectations?
    1. What are the specific problem behaviors?
    2. What exact good behavior do I want to see instead?
    3. Can my child understand and do this new behavior?
  2. Am I doing enough to encourage my child to behave better?
    1. Does my child need more positive attention?
      1. Show affection, actively listen, avoid criticism, have fun
      2. Set aside “Special Time"
    2. Am I giving good behavior enough attention?
      1. Praise the good behavior I want to replace the misbehavior
      2. Use specific and immediate praise
    3. Do I need to use a structure reward system (Download steps and worksheet)?
      1. Start a new system or make changes to what I am doing
      2. Make sure the behavior I want is clearly described in the plan
      3. Increase the point value
  3. Am I responding to this misbehavior in a way that discourages my child from doing it again?
    1. Am I paying too much attention to this misbehavior?  Should I start ignoring it?
    2. What consequences would discourage my child for acting this way again?
      1. Loss of privilege, Require positive behaviors, time-out
    3. Am I using consequences well (Download steps for delivering consequences)?
      1. Quickly without repeating, negotiating, or arguing
      2. Consistently and calmly
  4. Review Progress
    1. Have I re-rated how much of a problem these behaviors are to track progress?
    2. Are there some strategies that I am not using that I can add in on my own using this program?
    3. Do I need more help?

Improving child behavior and cooperation can be challenging, including choosing the right treatment. You can find resources of treatment specific to behavior problems on our find help page.

If you ever feel like you need help, contact your doctor, therapist, counselor, or the Mayo Clinic Department of Psychiatry and Psychology to schedule an appointment.

Full Program

Complete the full program (60 to 90 min)


Introduction to the Program (5 min)

Step 1

Clear Expectations (30 min)

Step 2

Encourage Good Behavior (30 min)

Step 3

Discourage Misbehavior (30 min)


Summary and Forms


Finding More Help