Responding to Stressful Events
Stressful events and changes come in many different shapes and sizes. Some, like accidents or disasters, happen suddenly and daily life changes immediately. Others, like family conflict or school difficulties, may build slowly over time and it may be hard to say when it became a problem. Stressful events do not have to big or dramatic to impact on how people feel or to interfere with daily life. Regardless of the source of stress, responding to stressful events usually involves a few common steps. The first priority is to ensure that you and your loved ones are safe and have basic necessities. It is also important to gather information so that you have an accurate understanding of what has happened and what may happen next. Finally, talking with your loved ones so that everyone has a shared and accurate understanding of the situation can help you handle stress successfully as a family.
This section includes strategies for responding to stressful events.
- Crisis Management. This section includes resources to assist with ensuring safety and with crisis
- Discussing Stressful Events. This section includes steps for explaining stressful events, changes, and upsetting news to your family or children.
- COVID-19. This section includes information and sources of understanding and responding to COVID-19.