Doing Exposure

Amazing job! You have done everything you need to do to prepare for facing your fears. You understand why you need to replace avoidance with exposure, you know the steps for doing exposures, and you have your own fear ladder to guide you. Let’s get started facing your fears.

Watch the video to learn how to begin doing exposures consistently. You can download the forms to record planned and everyday exposures. Download the example form to learn more about how complete an exposure record.

Watch the demonstration videos below to learn more about doing exposures to activities, thoughts in your head, and feelings in your body.

If you ever feel like you need help, contact your doctor, therapist, counselor, or the Mayo Clinic Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Clinic to schedule an appointment.

Demonstration Videos

In vivo demonstration: Social

Thought demonstration: OCD

Feelings in you body demonstration: Panic (Hyperventilation)